Friday 27 October 2017

Affordable Cities - Calgary Ranks 4th World-wide

Affordable Cities - Calgary Ranks 4th World-wide

According to the latest Affordability Index Report, 7 out of the 10 most affordable global cities in terms of home prices are in North America. What was also revealed by the report from Bloomberg Global City Housing is that 3 of these cities are in Canada.

General Rule of Thumb

Based on a general rule of thumb among mortgage lenders, people should spend no more than 28 percent of their net income on their cost of housing. In Canada, Calgary remained the most affordable housing market and the 4th most affordable worldwide, with an average of 40.5% of monthly income going to housing costs.

The Bloomberg Index

The Bloomberg index uses calculations based on the affordability of buying or renting in city centers and suburbs. These rankings are based on self-reported data, including mortgage interest rates and net salary, which are compiled by, an online database of city and country statistics.

The second least expensive Canadian market and the 6th least expensive globally, was Ottawa with the proportion at 46.1%. The third was Montreal and it was 7th most affordable worldwide at 46.9%.

Least Affordable is Vancouver

The least-affordable metro area in both Canada and the U.S. is Vancouver due some say to the steady influx of foreign cash. It is believed to have caused a surge in housing prices, in turn pushing most domestic buyers out of the market.

Calgary- 5th Most Liveable City

Also this year, Calgary was rated again as the fifth-most liveable city in the world, according to The Economist. The international magazine's annual Global Liveability Report gave Calgary a score of 96.6 out of 100. It maintains its rank from the previous year on the list of 140 major cities that are evaluated annually. Another organization called The Calgary Economic Development is using this information to promote Calgary. The Board of Directors of this not-for-profit corporation has stated that Calgary isn't just a city to make a good living; it's also a city to make a great life.

For more information and/or to book an appointment give Chris a call 403-680-4479